Tasks | Notes | Images

Manage tasks, take notes and upload related images

Self-Manager.net dashboard view for logged in users on desktop


  • Very fast

    Make actions and see results instantly

  • Easy access

    Log in through your Google, Apple, Microsoft or X/Twitter account

  • Responsive

    Visible on all devices - you can manage your data from your phone, tablet and desktop

  • Real time

    Synchronizes across all devices in real time without reloading the page

  • Image Upload

    Upload up to 50 images per table. Unlimited tables

  • Share access

    Invite others to work on the data you choose, without them having to pay for subscription

  • Time tracking

    Precisely track time for each task

  • Strong technology

    Uses the latest and best technologies available

How can it help me?

Increase Your Productivity

Easy to Use Tools: Our intuitive interface allows you to quickly navigate and manage your tasks.

Instant Editing: Make changes on the fly with our real-time editing features.

Duplication and Transfer: Easily duplicate and transfer tables between different dates to streamline your workflow.

Innovative Table Ordering: Tables are organized by date in an innovative way, ensuring each day has its own data.

Image Integration: Enhance your notes and tasks with image attachments for better visualization.

Time tracking: Precisely track how much time each task took and see the total of each table. Use the built-in timer(most precise) or just mark a task as completed(approximation).

Collaboration: Share your tables with others to collaborate on tables. NO LIMIT on how many people you can invite!

Self Manager is a tool that helps you to manage your tasks, take notes and upload related images. It is very fast, easy to access, responsive, real time, allows image upload and uses the latest and best technologies available.
It is visible on all devices - you can manage your data from your phone, tablet and desktop. It synchronizes across all devices in real time without reloading the page.

How it works:

Latest updates:

Table comments in logged in view

Who uses Self-Manager.net?

Self Manager has tousands of registered users from all parts of the world.

Words from the Founder and CTO, Marian Sorca

I use the app daily(and LOVE IT!) for:

  1. my freelancing business as a software engineer and web designer
  2. my strategy for posts on social media
  3. my personal goals and tasks
  4. keeping track of the development, design and marketing tasks for this app

1. Project Management for Freelancing

I am still working as a freelancer untill it will make sense financially to focus full time working on Self Manager.

I use the app to keep track of the tasks and notes that I need to do for each client.

It is great that each table can also have images and I use that too for each project.

I also use the app to keep track of the progress of the tasks and add comments for the table.

Soon I will invite my clients to the platform and share with them the table data that I have for them.

2. Social Media Strategy

I am active on social media and I use the app to keep track of the posts that I want to make on each platform.

I have several accounts on social media and the content that I post is different for each account.

So I have a separate tables for each social media and for each of my accounts.

For some viral posts, I take a screenshot of the data and upload it to the respective table.

3. Personal Goals and Tasks

I have personal goals that I want to achieve and I use the app to keep track of them.

I set my yearly goals for 2025 and I keep that table pinned so I can see it every day.

I sometimes use the app also for simple To Do lists for shopping.

I also use it for notes about ideas that I have and I want to remember.

For my personal finances I also use it to keep track of the money that I spend and earn.

For motivational puroses I also make use of the Self Message feature that each day has.

4. Development tasks for this app

I keep track of all the tasks that I need to do for the development, design and marketing of this app.

During the middle of the year 2024 and the beginning of 2025, 126 tasks have been completed.

The table with tasks has at the moment of writing this 208 tasks and 142 are completed(68%).

It is great that the app itself is being used to keep track of tasks for its development

$20 per month

  • Unlimited text storage for tables and their data(rows, notes and comments)
  • Unlimited image storage space. Original file sizes are stored without compression. Page with all images is available
  • Unlimited team members. They don't need to have a subscription to work on your table
  • Real-time synchronization across all team members and devices without reloading the page for table rows, notes and comments
  • None of your data is being sold to other companies
  • 24/7 email support
  • Cancel at any time

To get started, first start the free trial and after 14 days you will see a message on the logged in page to subscribe.

14 Days Free Trial

Want to give it a try without paying?

You can start a 14 days free trial without adding any payment information

  • All benefits from premium plan for 14 days
  • No hidden fees
Can not login?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Self-Manager.net?

Self-Manager.net is a productivity enhancement tool for anything that has to do with tasks. Whether it is for personal use or for work.

Is it an alternative to Trello, Asana, Monday.com, Todoist, Notion or Apple Notes?

Yes, it can be an alternative to these popular tools. It can be a replacement or work together with them. Whatever works best for you.

Is there a free trial or free plan available?

Yes, there is a free trial for 14 days. You won't be asked for any payment details. Just log in with one of the providers available and see if you like it.

How much does Self-Manager.net cost?

At the moment it is $20 per month. In the future, it might get cheaper as more customers appear and the demand is high.

Is it easy to use?

One of the top priorities is to be very easy to use and very easy to get started.

The interface is intuitive and doesn't stand in your way.

Your content is the most important thing and that is what it is being prioritized.

The login is very simple with the 3 major providers(Google, Apple, and X/Twitter). So if you have an account on any of these platforms you can join right now.

Once you log in, predefined data is populated on your account to give you an idea of what you can do.

There are also YouTube videos in the second section of the login homepage or on the How It Works page that show how it works and what recent features have been added.

Can I track my progress and goals for personal use and work?

Yes, you can use Self Manager both for personal and for your work. You can have 2 accounts(1 for work and 1 for personal) or 1 and organize what is for work and what is for personal use.

Can it be used by teams?

YES! You can add an unlimited amount of people to the table/s that you choose.

The fun part is that invited people don't need a paid account to work on the table/s that you gave them access to. They will be able to edit data, add new rows, work with notes and upload images

Are updates being made?

Yes, updates are being made frequently. For major ones, videos are being created to describe each update in detail. The videos are in the playlist on the pages homepage and how it works.

Who can I email if I need anything?

You can email us at self.manager.2022@gmail.com and we will respond as soon as possible. Whether you want to leave us some feedback or need help with something you can use that email address.

What is your mission and vision?

We aim to be the best choice to come to mind when it comes to task management.

How do I get started?

Just go to the top of the homepage and choose with what provider you want to use to create an account. See you inside 😀🚀

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