You can move between dates by pressing the arrow icons near the date switcher or click on the datepicker and select a date.
Only one date can be active at a time. A date can contain unlimited amount of tables. Only one table can be active at a time.
To switch between tables, on desktop click on one of the available tables from the left sidebar. On mobile touch the Tables button below Add Table.
Each date can have a self message. It appears at the top part of the page.
At the bottom of each table there are tools for managing the table.
You can move the mouse over the icons and a description of their functionality will appear.
You can also move the position of tasks. On desktop hover over a task and click the top or bottom arrows that appear on the right side.
On mobile they appear at the bottom of a task.
You can also move the order of tables.
You order the rows of a table
Order can be based on
The order can also be reversed
You can start a timer when you start working on a task.
When you completed it just mark the completed checkmark icon and the duration will be saved.
If you don't want to use a timer or forgot to turn it on, you can just mark a task as completed.
Then, the completion time will be calculated from the most recent completed time of a task and the completion time.
If this time was not precisely calculated, after a task is marked as completed click on the gear icon from it(Row settings), go to the bottom of the popup and modify the Started At date-time and the Compelted At date-time.
You will aslo see the total completion time of each table at the bottom right of it. Great when reviewing later what you worked on.
Another useful feature that appears at the top right of a table is the "Time from oldest created time to most recent completed time". So you will know the period you worked on a table.